Information about the registration for the Festival
Dear friends of the Festival,
the registration starts on the 1st of April.
For questions about the festival’s accessibility and information regarding
access needs, including for visual impairment, please call Eckhard: ++49-163-7174939
Before you register make sure to read under "news" about the Festival updated information.
The Festival gathers people of different cultures and backgrounds. Its ethic is based on principles and goals that identify it to its core: love, care, respect for diversity and differences, participation and self-responsibility.
Based on respect and non-discrimination of people regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, social, national, religious, racial, ethnic, economic, and/or physical characteristics, the Festival aims to create a supportive atmosphere driven by tolerance, inclusion and a mindful and respectful approach.
For registration you will need an active email address, which you check regularly. It happens very often, that the email is landing in the junk filter. Please check that also frequently when you registered.
You will get all information and the registration receipt via email.
Please check if you gotthe confirmation for the received application form per email. Only if you got it - your application succeeded. You will get the registration receipt separately after we proofed your application.
The classes will be taught in English. Other languages might also be integrated by the teachers or facilitators.
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Please email us if it is not possible to register for you.
If you are missing some information or you don't have an email address, please contact us.